Tuesday 11 December 2012

Poster and Magazine Shoot

These were some images I drew..

Here on slideshare is multiple images I took for my poster and Magazine shoot.

I took around 30 images but I put different ones on the slideshare as some of them were the same just taken 2/3 times.


Compare to AS work

Reflecting on my blog and last years I feel more confident as I have already done most of it so I know what to expect and what to do. I have learnt to be more open and different when looking at audience research/feedback instead of questionares but to do Facebook groups or Talks using speaker phones or videos and upload them onto Youtube.

I am looking at most inspiration such as Trailers and other A2 Media students work to see what they have done which I can inpsire from and learn from.

These are some horror thriller trailers students have done in the past across Britain for their A2 media work.
 When applying my AS and A2 work to a theorist it would come under Levi Strauss with the binary opposities.
AS: Life vs Death
       Boy vs Girl
       Brother vs Sister
      Good vs Evil
A2: Boy vs Girl
       Poor vs Rich
       Good vs Evil
       Strong vs Weak
       Angry vs Hapy
       Logical vs Emotional
       Tough vs Gentle

Propps can apply to most film genres, but not necessarily horror films as usually those films want to leave the audience on a cliff hanger and lead to another film but action thrillers such as Spiderman or The Dark Knight always have a villian, hero, the dispatcher, the helper and the princess. My A2 film could apply to this as we have a villian, a innocent girl, a hero, and a helper.

My trailer could also apply to Barthes as there is Action and Enigma but is there a resolution? I want the audience to wonder and try figure out this trailer by themselves without giving anything away to much except the basics.

Sunday 2 December 2012

Flat Plans and Storyboards

Here is my storyboard which I used slideshare for. I used digtal images with anaylsis of what is going on and how long the cuts are etc...


These are some experiments with story boards


