Thursday 28 February 2013

Poster - Ancillary Task

Poster -

I will use studio lighting to create a more clearer moody effect and the lighting will be dark to reflect the film and the personality of the protagonist being mysterious and wondering what his motives are. Colours will be dark such as blacks connecting to the shadows and dark lighting.

I think from research and page layout I will use the rule of thirds and have the image to the left and the text to the right as it makes the picture stand out more. The text font colour will be simple such as arial and the colour will be white to stand out against the picture.

The location will be either in a studio or in my house but with a white background so the lighting can bounce on the walls and cause some good shadows.

The piece...

div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
Using a black background made the picture stand out and the text on it. Black and white is a very basic colour scheme. When researching other types of posters which followed my genre they had used black and white. The connotation of this is dark, scary, thriller, evil, anonymous, lifeless.
I took my image mid close up as he was running to get a clear action shot. I wanted the picture to be positioned in the middle of the poster so it was the main focus for the audience to look at, it would work especially with the text focussing around it. His facial expression could have connotations of confusion, anger, focussed as his eyes are set straight forward looking into the camera.
I made sure his clothing was black to blend in with the background but also black/dark clothing have connotations of a dark personality, suspision as if he was a happy good character he could be dressed in colourful clothes - greens, yellow, oranges, light blues and white etc.
I wanted to use just the main character in the poster as it would then lead suspense for the audience to keep wondering what is this film about and as he is the main character it would make more sense. Especially when looking at other posters with a similar plot or genre they use one person as it makes it the main focus. Examples are - Salt or Taken.
I gave a quote from the film over his face to show it came from him, it's faded in which I really liked the effect of as it makes everything seem more mysterious. Using quotes will make the audience more interested and tell them a bit more about the film instead of leaving them clueless.

Magazine - Ancillary Task

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Poster -

I will use studio lighting to create a more clearer moody effect and the lighting will be dark to reflect the film and the personality of the protagonist being mysterious and wondering what his motives are. Colours will be dark such as blacks connecting to the shadows and dark lighting.

I think from research and page layout I will use the rule of thirds and have the image to the left and the text to the right as it makes the picture stand out more. The text font colour will be simple such as arial and the colour will be white to stand out against the picture.

The location will be either in a studio or in my house but with a white background so the lighting can bounce on the walls and cause some good shadows.


The representation of gender in this film is very apparent and strong. My main protagonist is male and the teenager who he kidnaps is female.

It's stereotypical but works really well as it reflects reality. The male protagonist is seen as strong, dominating and the female is seen as young and vulnerable. This will be shown through their body language and mise-en-scen as it creates a picture for the audience to understand, especially when it's a trailer.

Another representation in the trailer and film is poor and rich/class division. I thought this isn't a clear representation in most films as it seems to be gender or ethnicity etc so I thought it would be interesting to work with. It won't be extremely apparent as working with it would be quite different so I will show it through language and mise-en-scen. Such as the male prognosis losing everything that's why he's kidnapping the teenage girl for money.

Monday 18 February 2013

New technology

New technology is what makes the world go round, you don't have to be a professional film critic to be able to critic a film or give your opinion. Feedback is mostly used through the Internet as its easier, it's more accessible to people and you can catch up on it whenever. You don't have to worry about pieces of paper or losing it, it's all within a click of a button.

Learning from this, I have been able to portray and learn from this for my practical pieces. I have been able to asses new types of news from the Internet or twitter as people 'trend' words which are associated to a particular topic worldwide.

Learning how to make a poster using professional software such as photoshop. I have learnt this from doing a photography course since gcse but I have adapted and took these techniques to apply to my current work. Photoshop is one of the worlds new favourite technology. Photoshop can change everything, how we perceive each other and life such as the beauty advert done by dove.