Tuesday 26 February 2013


The representation of gender in this film is very apparent and strong. My main protagonist is male and the teenager who he kidnaps is female.

It's stereotypical but works really well as it reflects reality. The male protagonist is seen as strong, dominating and the female is seen as young and vulnerable. This will be shown through their body language and mise-en-scen as it creates a picture for the audience to understand, especially when it's a trailer.

Another representation in the trailer and film is poor and rich/class division. I thought this isn't a clear representation in most films as it seems to be gender or ethnicity etc so I thought it would be interesting to work with. It won't be extremely apparent as working with it would be quite different so I will show it through language and mise-en-scen. Such as the male prognosis losing everything that's why he's kidnapping the teenage girl for money.

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