Tuesday 16 April 2013

Trailer Feedback

I asked the same question as I did on the ancillary task to some people, I chose different ages and gender.. here were some of there answers:

David 51: Punchy, Interesting, Speed is good, Maybe some more background information on the kidnapper

Julie 42: I like the way you've done the editing at the start with the facts about kidnapping, the music makes the trailer really tense and builds up suspense

Laura 16: The music is really good in the trailer it's like other proffessional trailers, the idea is really interesting and I like how you leave the message/story hidden, we have to work it out ourself

Tom 19: The storyline is really good and different, the music fits the speed of editing such as the end of the trailer is really interesting as when the character is running the speed of the music and editing builds up too. The black and white theme fits well with it too. Maybe add more scenes with fighting or show where she ends up to give the audience more of a storyline

Monday 15 April 2013

Ancillary Feedback

Some of the responses I got:
I like the writing being over the face in the first one cus I've never really seen anything like that and it makes it stand out especially with the background being completely black and that being the only thing there is, and I like the picture of the second one as well - the only thing I would say is more colours in the second one maybe, cus it's a magazine type of thing but they're both really good
I like the picture in the first one as its quite mysterious and interesting to look at with the contrasting background, the second one I like the writing in it but I'd say maybe add a neck to your character as its very small just his head in the corner of it with black background, maybe more color aswell? but apart from that their both good!
They're both quite different yet they connect together and I can see that buy the colours used and the clothes the characters are wearing. With the magazine maybe add more text to show more advertisement like a actual magazine

Thursday 11 April 2013

Magazine Covers

This was a post I had saved and forgotten to publish.

This is a quick post on magazine covers to give me inspirtation for my Ancillary task. Looking at these covers most of the images are set directly in the centre of the magazine to catch the readers attention. Usually a colour scheme is used for example the Justin Beiber front cover is red green and white. I think I will take this on board and use a colour scheme as it seems to stand out more but look more effective as it links nicely together. The first magazine cover uses this also with black and pink but uses a lot of text making the front cover seem quite caotic but I like the way the important words or phrases are highlighted bold or are bigger so they stand out against everything. But for a magazine cover like Elle, different styles will always be used as it makes it seem more creative and girly. The Celebritys names Drew and Justin on the first two magazine covers are next to the picture of them and in big font to make them stand out so I will take this into account and do it with my film name. The last cover is Vogue. It's really different to the others as it has very little text yet seems really eye catching because of the image and the yellow background as they combine well together. I don't want to use lots of text on my magazine cover as for a magazine company I dont feel it needs too and sometimes can take away the attention from the main meaning.

Monday 1 April 2013


Mise en scene- the location of my film will be in Bristol but in certain parts such as my house, a road and maybe a city centre to dramatise the trailer and make it seem more realistic.

The main characters are female and male. The male character will be dressed in black and dark colours to show him being mysterious and anonymous where as my other character (a teenage girl) will be dressed in lighter softer colours such as light blues, peaches to reflect a innocent shy personality. I don't want the teenager to have to much makeup on, I want her to look natural to reflect bow she is.