Friday 30 November 2012

Narrative theorists

During year 13 A2 work we looked at narrative theorists such as Todorov, Roy Stafford, Gill Branston, Propps etc. When looking at what narrative theorist could apply to my trailer I think Roy Stafford could as his theory was looking at not giving away the plot and making the audience think about it. My trailer I want to only give quick shots of the film so it's like a puzzle that the audience have to work out themselves.

Another theorist, I would like to think my trailer/film could follow todorov theory as in having a clear stage of everything is okay at the start, then a problem occurs, then repairing the problem. But I think I want my trailer to tell that so the audience can understand the concept of the film but i will also mislead the audience and make them want to find out more. Wanting them to expect the unexpected.

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