Tuesday 19 March 2013

Genre Theory David Chandler

Types of sub-genre which apply to my trailer would be:

  • Action thriller
  • Drama
  • Suspense
  • Crime
  • Mystery
  • Pyschological
  • Disaster
They come under this role as some of these sub genres are generally behind my trailer for example, pyschological. It's the motives and pyschological side of it, "why is he after her?" "what has made him do this?" etc. Other sub genres like Disaster/Crime are just the general side of the plot being bad. It is a disaster in the sence for the girls family who's been taken and how are they coping/feeling.

Genre conventions

Fonts - I used black and white colour within my trailer/magazine cover/poster as it's basic and stands out for the audience. When I say basic I mean it connects to my genre/plot. There is nothing special, fancy, funny about my genre so I used a very basic font style. Usually the font arial was used with the transitions so it was easy for the audience to understand but with the poster I used  a website called 101 fonts and used an example on their.

Editing Techniques - When editing my piece learning from last year it was to keep the pace of the trailer fast and the shots quick and simple instead of them dragging out. The convention was using dark suspence music to fit into the genre and at the important parts (syntagms) the music would either stop or be very quiet. I slowed down some of the shots such as walking to make more emphasis on them but not too much so they look like a western film creating a comedy impact.

Clothing - The conventions of clothing for a action thriller genre was making sure their clothing was completely opposite to each other. I used dark colours such as black, navy very basic colours for the protagonist and for the teenager/female light blues, whites etc. I wanted clean fresh but dull colours nothing to bright to give away the thought that she's a fun confident teenager as my portray of her isn't meant to be that. Using the colours show the differences between good and bad like Levi Straus theory.

Photographs - The genre convention of my photography which I took for my poster/magazine were using models and I used lighting to create more a dynamic effect and edited it so the background was black or white to connect all together. I made sure they wore clothes which represented their personalities and what they wore in the film so it all connected.

Trope - The other type of genre but within my film is how it connects to another different genre. For example in my film a male who is strong, mysterious wearing black or a suit, in a romance could be the person who everyone wants to be or want to be with. Or in another action film it could be seen as the good, smart, tactical person. Or a sign of a house is usually peace, love, family, friends, emotional etc it's all types of emotions and feelings in one setting but in this trailer this is where the person gets taken and all types of connection are broken.

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